you can have more than one set of fp menus in one shared border. i have to
warn you though...once your web gets complicated shared borders and fp's
auto menus will drive you nuts.
Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Hi, Bonx!
| Thanks for your reply.
| I am surprised that I can't name several shared borders!!! Could you
| elaborate
| on your suggestion of using include files. How can I attain my goal by
| them
| My dilema is I have a navigation bar in the shared board, and I want it to
| include in
| some cases the same level buttons plus the home button, which I do want it
| to say button, but instead says either pinciple or up, and in the third
| down I want to have same level pages plus home and parent buttons that
| actually call pages by their own name ex: Bookings, Home etc
| As you see my problem not only involves having two different shared
| but making the nav bar show the right lables for me, and not the default
| by MSFP.
| I thought I would ask you that, too, since I already have your attention.
| I really appreciate your help
| "Ronx" wrote:
| > There can only be one set of shared borders. However you can have
| > unlimited design time include files, or with FP2003, any number of
| > Dynamic Web Templates.
| >
| > The files for Shared Borders and includes get their dimensions from the
| > content in them.
| >
| > The page properties dialogue enables you to create meta tags - these
| > give information about the page, but, with one or two exceptions, do not
| > affect the display or shape of the page at all.
| > --
| > Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| > Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| >
| >
| >
| > FrontPage Support:
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | >
| > > I would like to know if I can create several Shared Boarders by giving
| > > different names. I used to use an environment that allowed me to do so
| > > years back.
| > > I noticed that in the page properties dialog there's the custom tab
| > > allows you to create system variables. Using the user variables, can I
| > > a new Shared Border than behaves independently from the MS defualt
one? And
| > > if so, what should I type in the name and value fields? How can I then
| > > the height and width of the new Border?
| > >
| > > I do appreciate any light you can shed on this matter.
| > > I am new at MSFP so I would appreciate your pacitence.
| >
| >