how to move software Installations GPO to another server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
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I have a bunch of software installation GPOs that point to ServerA for its
installation files. I setup a new DC ServerB and want to replace ServerA
with ServerB. How can i edit the GPO to pull the software from ServerB?
Hello Dan,
Have a look at my article below:
How can I modify the Path to an assigned or published software package
within a GPO?

Christoffer Andersson
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services

No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup
The UNC Path to the new source of the package.

Christoffer Andersson
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services

No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup
The old path says 0:\\servername\share\msifile do i need to put the 0:\\
cause i did that and for some reason the gpo is not being pushed out. It
says in event viewer that it cant find the file.
Dan said:
The old path says 0:\servernamesharemsifile do i need to
put the 0:\
cause i did that and for some reason the gpo is not being
pushed out. It
says in event viewer that it cant find the file.

 >> what do i put in the Edit Attribute box?
 >> "Chriss3 [MVP]" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
 >>   >>> Hello Dan,
  >>> Have a look at my article below:
  >>> How can I modify the Path to an assigned or
published software package
  >>> within a GPO?
  >>> --
  >>> Regards
  >>> Christoffer Andersson
  >>> Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
  >>> No email replies please - reply in the
  >>> - Active Directory Tips
  >>> "Dan"
<[email protected]> skrev i
  >>>   >>>>I have a bunch of software installation GPOs
that point to ServerA for
  >>>>its installation files. I setup a new DC
ServerB and want to replace
  >>>>ServerA with ServerB. How can i edit the GPO
to pull the software from


Remove the O:\ You can’t do software installation from a mapped
drive because drives aren’t mapped until the startup scripts section
which is after the software installation section.



Christoffer Andersson
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services

No email replies please - reply in the newsgroup

I am trying to get the article that you referenced but your site is down.
Is it posted anywhere else?

Once I updated the path, I no longer can see/edit the pkg within the
Software Installation of the GPO. I also do not see the "\\" in the unc
paths when viewed thru GPMT.

Also, for those apps with a MST file, do I just separate the unc paths by a
semi-colon ";"?

Any help/suggestion is appreciated.
I've resolved my own problem. No thanks to those who knew but did not help.
BTW, you do need the "0:" (not a drive letter but a zero) before the double
backslashes otherwise you get the problems I described. Use ldifde to
export and import. Much faster!
I'm glad you've sorted it. Well done.
No thanks to those who knew but did not help.

That's a bit harsh mind. You only gave us two hours ;-)

And it's not that we didn't want to help either... That's why we're here!
I do see your point there. Sorry and I take it back.
Well, my problem doesn't end there. Even though I've updated the paths and
they do show up in AD with the correct new paths, when the users tries to
install these apps, it's still pointing to the old server, which is shutdown
at moment. I also ran a Group Polics Results on against my PC and the
resulting settings have those apps pointing to the old server. Any
suggestion in this?

More info: updating the msiFileList path doesn't seem to update the path in
the *.aas file, which is a script to install the app. The path of this aas
file is in the attribute msiScriptPath for example:

Is there anyway to change the path in this file?
Can we start over please?

I don't quite follow what the exact issue is [blush]

If you've moved the location of the software you are publishing/ assigning,
have you recreated the app in the GPO? If not, can you?
Well, I'm trying to avoid having to redeploy the GP deployed apps since there
there 4 sites with about 100 apps in each. I've updated the paths for all
apps based on this topic. I am using GPMC under WinXP SP2 and when viewing
the Software Installation under the GPO, all the paths reflect the new DFS
paths but when I ran the RSoP on my workstation, they still show the old
paths. So, when users try to update or install these apps, the apps tried
to pull the source from the old server unc path. I think it has something
to do with the *.aas file (application advertisement script). There's one
..aas file for each app in the DC's sysvol. These .aas files contain the
source path to the old server among an other things. Is there anyway to
update these .aas files w/o issues or do I have no choice but to redeploy all
my msi apps? Anyone has successfully redirect the source paths to different
server before?