M Michael Nemtsev Nov 17, 2006 #2 Hello Mike90, See this http://blogs.msdn.com/mattavis/archive/2005/10/10/479280.aspx M> What is the best way? Is there a good article? --- WBR, Michael Nemtsev [C# MVP] :: blog: http://spaces.live.com/laflour "At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsch
Hello Mike90, See this http://blogs.msdn.com/mattavis/archive/2005/10/10/479280.aspx M> What is the best way? Is there a good article? --- WBR, Michael Nemtsev [C# MVP] :: blog: http://spaces.live.com/laflour "At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsch
C Chuck Heatherly Nov 18, 2006 #3 What is the best way? Is there a good article? Click to expand... "From .NET Remoting to the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)" by Ingo Rammer http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvs05/html/NETremoteWCF.asp
What is the best way? Is there a good article? Click to expand... "From .NET Remoting to the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)" by Ingo Rammer http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvs05/html/NETremoteWCF.asp
G Guest Nov 21, 2006 #5 The main advantage you get is abstraction from underlying technology like remoting,msmq, web service etc while coding for client and service. http://DotNetWithMe.blogspot.com vikas
The main advantage you get is abstraction from underlying technology like remoting,msmq, web service etc while coding for client and service. http://DotNetWithMe.blogspot.com vikas