how to mount a removable disk automatically

  • Thread starter Thread starter Proboscide Alla Marinara
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Proboscide Alla Marinara

I have a drive for removable disks, and I alternate two disks every
My problem is that Win2000 Professional does not recognize the new
inserted disk automatically.
I have to make the following operations (forgive my bad traslation
from Italian) each time I change the removable disk:
right click on "My Computer" icon on the desktop
click on "manage"
click on "storage"
right click in the right panel and choose "import external volume".
Is it possible to bypass these operation with some automated command?
Thank you.
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Hi ,

I found that following comand line stuff , might be u can write a script
with this to auto mate.

Using Removable Storage Command Line

As with many other Windows 2000 components, you have the option of
administering removable storage at the command line. This feature allows
you to write batch scripts for applications that do not support the
removable storage API. The command line syntax is

rsm {allocate|deallocate|deletemedia|dismount|help|mount|view}


The dismount command is used to dismount the medium from a drive. The
logical media name can be used to specify the logical medium if it was
assigned during the allocate command using the /n switch. If not, then the
logical media ID must be used. The /l and /n argument switches are used
with the dismount command, and the syntax is as follows:

rsm dismount /llogicalmediaid /nphysicalmedianame


The mount command allows you to mount a medium on a drive and is specified
by the /l or /n switch. The mount command also contains the following
optional switches:

• /d: Drive ID (if you do not assign this, Removable Storage assigns a

• /p: Priority from 1 to 100, which specifies the drive-mount priority

• /t: Time-out value

The syntax for the mount command is:

rsm mount /llogicalmediaid /nlogicalmedianame [/ddriveid /ppriority
