How to Monitor UP/DOWN time for broadband connection?


Bob Brown

If this isn't considered Windows related question, please at least
point me to a proper newsgroup or web sites, something please..
I need software to monitor my broadband up/down time, making entries
showing if/when my connections drops and for how long.

I'd need something that would at least make a viewable log of the
activity, a graph would also be nice but the log would be enough.

Does any know of that kind of software that is either free/shareware
or doesn't cost more than $30???

Please assist me if you can, thanks.

p.s. Yes I googled and all I found was a lot of 5+ year old software
OR really expensive $100+ software.


There is a command line utility you can download which may work for you.

Maybe you can edit the .cmd file it executes when it has no connectivity to
output to a log file. Also, they say on the site you can create a scheduled
task to perform the command as frequently as you would like.

Also, This one looks free and claims to be 32 bit. I am not sure about
logging to a file, but you can create a batch file to execute each time the
alert goes off and that batch file can easily be written to create a log file
with a timestamp.

Hope this helps!

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