I need to merge/copy/import or what ever you want to call it, select rows
from a dataset to another. for example, say ds1 has 10 rows and I want to
get only the rows where the column 'category' has a value of 2, and merge
these rows into ds2. I tried doing something like this:
Dim drs() As dsWkT.tbStepsRow = CType(dsWTAll.tbSteps.Select("Category =
2"), dsWkT.tbStepsRow())
Which successfully created an array of rows. When I tried to merge this
into a dataset I got an error saying that these rows already belonged to
another dataset. Is there a way around this like copy this array to a new
array where they no longer belong to any dataset? Or make a clone or
something? Or is there an all together different way to do this?
from a dataset to another. for example, say ds1 has 10 rows and I want to
get only the rows where the column 'category' has a value of 2, and merge
these rows into ds2. I tried doing something like this:
Dim drs() As dsWkT.tbStepsRow = CType(dsWTAll.tbSteps.Select("Category =
2"), dsWkT.tbStepsRow())
Which successfully created an array of rows. When I tried to merge this
into a dataset I got an error saying that these rows already belonged to
another dataset. Is there a way around this like copy this array to a new
array where they no longer belong to any dataset? Or make a clone or
something? Or is there an all together different way to do this?