How to manage all the MS Patches with going to every workstation

  • Thread starter Thread starter M.Siler
  • Start date Start date


I have a Windows 2000 server and 40 workstations with Win98SE, WinME, Win2K
Pro & WinXP Pro. How do I go about handling all the updates. I know I can
configure the XP workstations to download and install the patches
automatically, but what do I do about the others? Is there a way I can
determine what machines have or don't have what patches and then patch them
from my Workstation or Server?
You need to pay a visit to There are any number of
MS and non-MS tools that can perform all of these tasks. If you need help
with any specifics, come back to this thread and we'll get you going.
See I knew there was something out there... the link Eimis provide to
Microsoft's Software Update Services (SUS) seems to be what I was looking
for. Let me ask one additional question, I was watching The Screensavers on
TechTV a few weeks ago and they were talking about some program that will
scavenge for computer and report back what they have installed and can push
update to them. In addition the software also gives you a kind of Inventor
what what's on the system, memory, cpu, etc. Has anyone heard of a program
like this?