It sounds like you're working with individual pages, not within a Frontpage
1) You should first have created a new folder, then opened the folder in FP,
which then coverts that folder to a web folder - that web folder is your
"web" for the purpose of how Frontpage works with it.
2) In Windows Explorer, create a New Folder, and name it as whatever the
name of your web is, e.g. "Fried Green Tomatoes"; then in Frontpage go to
File > Open > Web and browse to the folder, "Fried Green Tomatoes" select it
and click "Open".
3) Frontpage should then add its files and other elements and convert it to
a 'web folder' (indicated by the blue earth/globe folder icon).
4) Then you can add new pages, import images and so on. Once done, save the
pages, close them, and then close the web.
5) Each time you start Frontpage from then on remember to open the web
"Fried Green Tomatoes" first, then the page(s) you want to work on.
If the above does not help you solve your problem please elaborate on what
you mean "get Frontpage to see it as a web".