How to make the web page "insertable" ??



I am new in establishing the web page by Access.

I make a webpage(html) by Access, from a Query. However, when I want to
create a new record in it, the Access said that it is set Read only (I
cannot add new record in it).

How to solve this problem?


Martin (Martin Lee)


First, thank you Danny for the amazing article.

Secord, however, it is not the main problem what I am facing. I am now
suffering about the Access operation skill -- it must has somewhere in the
Access to the adjust the webpage to be modifiable and addable. -- My problem
is that I can't modify or add any information in the webpage(the webpage is
generated by Access base on a Query).

Danny J. Lesandrini

Ooops, are you saying that you exported something (a form or report)
as an HTML document and now you want to edit? Can't be done.
HTML is static and you'll either need to use Data Access Pages or
write ASP pages as my article explains.

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