Read this, chances are that you're not saving your theme.
How to configure Desktop Themes in Windows XP
Display Properties | Themes tab
[[Lists the available desktop themes. A desktop theme determines the
overall appearance of your desktop by providing a predefined set of icons,
fonts, colors, mouse pointers, sounds, background picture, screen saver, and
other window elements.
If you modify a predefined theme by changing any individual feature of the
theme, it automatically becomes a custom theme.]]
Display Properties | Themes tab | Save As button
[[Click to save your current theme with a new name. You will be prompted to
type a name for the theme.
The features that are saved as part of your theme include the following
Display Desktop Background, Position, Color
Display Desktop Icons (click Customize Desktop to change icons)
Display Screen Saver Screen saver
Display Appearance Windows and buttons, Color scheme, Font size
Display Appearance All features on the Advanced Appearance dialog box (click
Mouse Pointers Scheme or individual pointers
Sounds and Audio Devices Sounds Sound schemes and individual program
Hope this helps. Let us know.
Bill Glass said:
I've set up a customized desktop theme ... exactly the way I want XP
to look. What I cannot find is some way to make this theme the
DEFAULT, so that when I turn my computer on, THAT is the theme that
is used. This must be something VERY simple, but I sure can't find
the answer. Anybody know?