Is it posible?
could be cool if it could say "taking a shit"
could be cool if it could say "taking a shit"

but what you can do is add your-----Original Message-----
Greetings KLM,
Messenger itself doesn't have this capability per say,
your name was "David", simply set your"reason" for being away to your display name. So, if
after installing Messenger Plus!name to "David {Working}" and then set yourself as away.
Also, Messenger Plus! can actually do this for you,
the "Personalised Away" message box(http://www.msgplus.net), simply go away, and you'll see
do try this option, be sure to readappear where you can set this up. Take note that if you
the sponsor program (ie. advertising)through the installer, as if you do not wish to install
option during the installation.that goes along with Plus!, be sure *not* to chose that