You could save them in your Personal Macro Workbook which contains macros
available to all workbooks.
If you don't have a Personal Macro Workbook...........
On menu go to Tools>Macro>Record New Macro.
You will be presented with a dialog box with Macro1 as name of macro. Below
that is "Store macro in". Select Personal Macro Workbook.
Record something simple like copying a cell and pasting. Stop Recording.
Close Excel and you will be asked if you want to save changes to Personal.xls
Click Yes. You now have a Personal.xls in your XLSTART folder which will open
each time you start Excel. When it is open, you can go to Windows>Hide and
make it hidden. Save changes again.
The macros you create or copy to modules in the Personal.xls will be available
for all workbooks.
Assign these macros to Buttons on your Toolbar or to Shortcut keys.
OR you could place the macros in a blank workbook and save as an Excel
Add-in(*.xla) which can be stored in your Office\Library folder and loaded in
Gord Dibben XL2002