how to make hard drive work

Jul 16, 2008
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i have a old drawing program acad12 with lasercam program for cutting on a laser metal cutting machine. recently i had a clone copy of the hard drive done.all the files are there but nothing comes up on the screen the guys at the computer place dont know how to do it.apparently its done in basic language what ever that means.i hope you guys can help me out. the hard drive is out of a 386 com
cheers Dave
There really isn't enough information to go from, we'd need to see the error to try and help. If it's from a 386 I'm guessing the application runs in Windows 3.1!
What OS was on the original HDD that you cloned..?Or was it just the programme that you had cloned
Programs need to be "installed" on the PC that you are using, not 'cloned' to the HD.

Is this AutoCad 12 for Windows (3.11-1993) or DOS? If so, then go find, at best, a Pentium (586) and the correct operating system.

Or, you could spend a few thousand and update to the latest AC software. ;)

aadane said:
apparently its done in basic language what ever that means

Basic language usually means low level... i.e assembly code.
Many people confuse basic language with low-level however the BASIC language variant has actually span 3 generations, now resulting in it's present form which is a 3rd Gen langauge, being object-orientated.

A lil bit of info for ya today :D