Thanks John.
I have read one good book about access, but I don't have experience making
databases. I think I have made solution for my database, although it doesn't
go with "normalisation rules" for databases.
I have made this tables:
TABLE 1 (Company Name (Debtor), City (Debtor), Address (Debtor))
TABLE 2 (Company Name (Creditor), City (Creditor), Address (Creditor))
So if you have a company which is a creditor in one circumstance, and
a debtor in another circumstance, you need to enter the company name
twice? What if you accidentally enter different addresses for the same
company in the two records?
The state of being a degtor or a creditor is *NOT* (in my opinion) a
valid attribute of a Company; and it's certainly not an
entity-defining attribute. A company *is a company*, whether it's a
debtor, a creditor, neither or both!
Secondly, if you do go with this model, what's the Primary Key of your
table? Do you allow for the possibility that two different companies
might have the same name? There must be hundreds of beauty parlors
named "The Mane Event" for example. Shouldn't these tables have some
sort of unique ID?
TABLE 3 (Model Number (Debtor), Account Number (Debtor), Calling Number
(Debtor), Amount, Model Number (Creditor), Account Number (Creditor),
Calling Number (Creditor), Date of payment, Payment Code)
Table 1 and Table 2 has relationship "one to many"
So each Debtor can have many Creditors, but a given Creditor can only
loan money to a single Debtor? That would not be typical of business
in my experience. And if so, what is the Foreign Key in Table2 which
links Table1 to Table2?
Table 2 and Table 3 has relationship "one to many"
Since I don't know the meaning of your "model numbers" or "account
numbers" or "calling numbers" I really can't comment; but again -
what's the linking field? What's the foreign key, and what does it
link TO?
This way I have main form based on Table 1, with subform based on Table 2.
Subform also has its subform based on table 3.
It really sounds like you started the design of this project with the
Form. This is very like building a house starting with the framing and
siding, and then putting in the foundations as an afterthought... and
it won't work any better!
On first form are shown all forms. This suits my needs, because this
database is made just for printing, not for reports and history of payments.
I will try to study Northwind sample database and general template
databases, so that I have "hands on experience".
If you're going to use Access at all (if it's just for printing you
might want to do it in Word instead, for example), it will be vastly
easier if you use it *as a relational database*. If you have the
information stored in your tables in a logical structure, with the
appropriate entities and relationships, you'll find that you can
generate the report that initially prompted you to create the
database, and great flexibility in generating *other* reports that may
turn out to be even more useful. If you drive the design by forcing
the data to fit a single report, that single report is the only thing
you'll ever be able to do with the database (without tremendous
hassles at least).