Erwin Sugiawan via AccessMonster.com
fyi : database use SQL Server 2000 ,frond end use Ms.Access 2000 and
allready use with multi user
the problem is :
I want to automatic refresh / realtime form datasheet, if the data allready
changed, deleted or add new by another user
I try to solve it with
1. timer event + requery but i thing it's not a good idea because if data
not changes, the form will be allways requery.
2.I use winsock so every user change the data, the will be send an event
and i use arrived event to refresh form datasheet. And it's not solve the
problem again because prosedure save/add data is more slow than event send
data with winsock.
so guys , plx help me to solve the problem.
allready use with multi user
the problem is :
I want to automatic refresh / realtime form datasheet, if the data allready
changed, deleted or add new by another user
I try to solve it with
1. timer event + requery but i thing it's not a good idea because if data
not changes, the form will be allways requery.
2.I use winsock so every user change the data, the will be send an event
and i use arrived event to refresh form datasheet. And it's not solve the
problem again because prosedure save/add data is more slow than event send
data with winsock.
so guys , plx help me to solve the problem.