Vadim Rapp
My application in vb.net is using a collection of structures, implementing
basically a queue of jobs. What is the easiest way to make this collection
surviving application restart? Is there some embedded universal way to save
each member of the collection, for example to an XML file, and then restore
them upon restart? I understand that I can code the export of every
particular object, but thought maybe there's some universal way like
object.ExportToXML <path> / object = loader.load <path>
basically a queue of jobs. What is the easiest way to make this collection
surviving application restart? Is there some embedded universal way to save
each member of the collection, for example to an XML file, and then restore
them upon restart? I understand that I can code the export of every
particular object, but thought maybe there's some universal way like
object.ExportToXML <path> / object = loader.load <path>