How to make a trial version of my software

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Hello, I was developa software and I want to sell it
I want to have two version
1) Trial version (30 days of validity)
2) Full version

My question is, which is the correct or normal way to implement a 30 day
trial software?, so I need to detect the installation date and compare to
the current date.. I think that that is a way.

If some body can put me in the correct way I'll appreciate very very much.

Thanks a lot.


There is no normal, correct, or perfect way to do this. There are many
solutions. Have the install or first run save the install date somewhere.
When you run the app, compare it with the install date and decide what
to do. If you also provide some method of registering/unlocking your
program you only need to have one version of the program. The process
of unlocking just means that you detect something special that prevents
the 30 day disable code. This can be a registry entry, registration key,
DLL with registrants ownership info (popular in try before you buy emailers)
or whatever.

Be inventive. As for security, most schemes are easy to defeat. Just
ask Microsoft.
