How to make a thumbnail of a photo

Jul 11, 2010
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:o Hi can any one help me, I have downloaded my photo's to my picture library and don't know how to make a thumb nail to be able to post them to threads on this site. If I try they are to big to send them. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and Ashampoo 9 Photo Commander. Do I need another photo processing software free if possible. I am a newby as far as photography and the PC is concerned. All help would be appreciated:bow:. Thanks.
Google's Picassa and The Gimp are both free and will very likely make a thumbnail for you but I don't know, I've never done that myself. I've never used Picassa but I have used the Gimp and The Gimp will certainly resize a pic so if making a thumbnail is merely reducing a picture's size then yes, it will do the job.

I do suspect that what you want is a small pic that reverts to full size when you click on it though in which case sorry, I'm not sure.

Anyhow, The Gimp and Picassa - both free. Perhaps worth checking their sites before download/install to see what they can do.
Yes, Picasa does allow the user to re-size photos :thumb:

A thought; are your photos saved as .jpg? I'm wondering if they are a bit too large due to being in a .bmp (or similar) format, maybe?

Another thought; If you sign up to a free, online photo hosting site to store your photos (such as PhotoBucket... just as an example, there are lots of others,) then it is very easy to simply copy the 'image code' and paste it in a thread, which will display your photo.

If privacy is a concern, a host such as PhotoBucket (probably others too, but I've not used them personally) will allow you to adjust privacy settings to suit. So that your album/s are not made public, if you prefer them not to be.

Yet another option for re-sizing, is a small utility called "PicSizer" will explain it. :)
I often use Irfanview which is a free download. It is a fairly small programme, so it takes up very little space on your hard drive. It allows you to resize photos to any size and I find it very quick and simple to use if I want to post pics on PCR. :)
:wave:Thank you all for replying and helping me out as it has been frustrating not being able to post some of my pictures on the site. Once again thak you for your help. I guess I ought to take a course on digital photography. Once again thank you all for your advice.:bow: