Thank you for the reply.
I can't say I'm happy about it, wrt VS.NET 2002.
In fact my research had brought me to the same conclusion (judging from
what I found on recently); but, I was HOPING that I was
wrong and that there might be a better way in VS.NET but... oh well.
Thank you for the reply.
Hi Everyone--
How can one to make a "select directory name" dialog?
It would be great if one could use the FileOpenDialog but it does not seem
to be straight-forward.
Anyway, if you have any hints or otherwise, please send them along.
Thank you.
What version of visual studio are you using? If your using 2003 - it is
already included. It is called the FolderBrowserDialog control. If
your using 2002... Well, you have two choices. You can use the
SHBrowseForFolder API call. Or you can create a class that inherits
from System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor. This will give you
access to the protected type FileNameEditor.FolderBrowser
something like:
Public Class DirectoryBrowser
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Design.FileNameEditor
Private browser As New FolderBrowser
End class