In my database I have 9 checkboxes for different work situations, 1 field
called age, and a field with the event numbers. From this database I created
a complex query with many fields to calculate the totals of participants in
the different work situations.
I have 6 groups of ages For example for the first work situation in the
age group 17 years or less, I made the next expression to calculate the
age11: Sum(IIf([trabtiemcomp]=True And [age] Between 18 And 21,1,0))
This works fine but I have to do this 54 times plus 9 times for the totals.
A crosstab query not works, Is there is more simple solution to make these
called age, and a field with the event numbers. From this database I created
a complex query with many fields to calculate the totals of participants in
the different work situations.
I have 6 groups of ages For example for the first work situation in the
age group 17 years or less, I made the next expression to calculate the
age11: Sum(IIf([trabtiemcomp]=True And [age] Between 18 And 21,1,0))
This works fine but I have to do this 54 times plus 9 times for the totals.
A crosstab query not works, Is there is more simple solution to make these