I have a .net window form application but I have to get
data from various web sites. How do I make Http request
(preferrably via post method) from a window form to get
the data from those web sites?
What namespace and dll do I have to include?
A walkthrough and coding example will be helpful.
This is a sample that I have done recently:
Namespace of the types is:
using namespace System::Net;
System::Net::HttpWebRequest *Request =
__try_cast <System::Net::HttpWebRequest *>
(System::Net::HttpWebRequest::Create (Shttp://
String *Content, *Identifier;
// Do the actual request
String *Query = "IDENT=";
Query = String::Concat (Query, Ident);
Query = String::Concat (Query, "&USERLOGID=");
Query = String::Concat (Query, UserLogid);
Query = String::Concat (Query,
Query = String::Concat (Query, Question);
Request->Method = S"POST";
Request->ContentType = S"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
Request->ContentLength = Query->Length;
StreamWriter *sw = new StreamWriter (Request->GetRequestStream ());
sw->Write (Query);
sw->Close ();
WebResponse *Response;
try {
Response = Request->GetResponse ();
} catch (Exception *) {
p->GetIdent ();
Content = (new StreamReader (Response->GetResponseStream ()))->ReadToEnd ();
Content contains the response of the webserver.
I hope that helped,
Felix Arends