How to make a column of formulas all ROUND

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cobaum
  • Start date Start date


I created a spreadsheet in which I have a column of formulas. Most of these
fomulas are simply pulling a single number off another sheet. I want to make
all the formulas ROUND versions of the existing formula without having to go
into each cell and making the change. They are not in order to which I can
just make the first fomula a ROUND fomula and copy down. So, is there a way
to select a range of cells and make the existing fomulas all ROUND versions?
Would this help?

Sub RoundAdd()
Dim mystr As String
Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In Selection
If cel.HasFormula = True Then
If Not cel.Formula Like "=ROUND(*" Then
mystr = Right(cel.Formula, Len(cel.Formula) - 1)
cel.Value = "=ROUND(" & mystr & ",0)"
End If
End If
End Sub

If not post back with what you have in the "not in order" cells.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP