How to make a booking-system

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I need your help to make a booking system for my friend's travel agency.
I need to implement following:

- Customers registration (should NOT be a problem);

- Input all data related to customer's order (personal info, number of
tickets, rebates and stuff... should NOT be a problem);

-Print a Word-like document(s) which should include the most part of the
data mentioned above and which should be used as information to be
archived & as the booking confirmation for the customer (this is a
problem for me) I would like to have data from the query embedded into
the word document-template;

My question is:

Is it possibble to do all this in Access or maybe I should try to do it
in Visual Basic? If I do it in Visual Basic, it will be a problem for me
to make "printing" part to look att some acceptable way.

I tried to find some readings about MS Access and find some guidelines &
tutorials about this but with no luck.

Please give me your suggestions, opinions, links to usefull information,
good luck wishes, anything... Anything will be highly appreciated!

Sorry if my english is not so good, I hope that it is good enough to
understand what is my problem.


You could use either development platform for this task.
Most likely, the data will be in Access.

I find that for most small projects, Access is faster to
develop in. The choice is whichever you are more
comfortable in.

Thank you for your reply. I'm more comfortable with visual basic, but it
takes time to do it that way while Access have some ready-to-use
solutions in this case. And as I mentioned, the printing part remains a
problem (for me :-). Do you know if it is possible to use word-template
for printing and insert data from query in it (if I use Access). If it
is - how ? Any useful links with related information would be great ...

Thanks again!

Have a nice day


Originally posted by Chris
You could use either development platform for this task.
Most likely, the data will be in Access.

I find that for most small projects, Access is faster to
develop in. The choice is whichever you are more
comfortable in.
travel agency.
info, number of
most part of the
information to be
(this is a
embedded into
should try to do it
problem for me
some guidelines &
You can use a word template if you wish. However, sending a "many" side
table to word is a real pain. If you have to merge a "many" side, I would
use a report in place of the word merge.

However, if you just need to some fields to be moved into a template, then I
have a real nice working example that allows the current record you are
viewing to be sent to word.

Check out my word merge example:
First off all, thank you all for your time and suggestions.

It have been usefull so I'm starting to get ideas and a "big picture"
about how to approach this. I can see in your replies that I could
clarify a little better what this app/solution have to do, so I can
do it now...

The process of the tickets-selling in their travel agency is something
like this:

1. Collect customers personal info (name, adress, phone etc.)

2. Input order info (destination, price, departure/arrival time, etc)

3. Save all this into the DB

4. Put all this information together in some kind of file (ONLY this
record into a merged word file or report) and print it out.
Customers will receive one copy of this document as a booking
confirmation so it should have a acceptable and allways same layout
- that's why I would like to use a template.

5. They are using 2 PCs in their office and those should work with the
same database to avoid possible double-bookings.

6. I want to implement a function which creates a report with all
passengers who are travelling att same date/destination.

I believe that I can do the most part of the job myself except the
printing/merging part. I'm not so familiar with Access as application
and its functions/tools.

Albert D. Kallal gave me very nice guidelines and example about how this
can be done . Thank you Albert! I'm analysing your code now because I
want to know everything what happens (and how) in my apps...

Thank you all and if you have any more suggestions and ideas, I ensure
you that they will be highly appreciated.
