David DiCanio
I'm struggling with how to do a mail merge from Word
where each form letter in word would be customized from
the contacts list in Outlook (meaning the persons
name/address, and also the Dear so and so - would
automatically come into each separate form letter on a
continuous printing on the printer. The trouble I'm
having is getting Word to permit me to select only
certain "categories" of contacts for that mail merge.
For some reason it won't let me discriminate by
categories, only by things like city, zip code. We do
need to have the bulk letters print out on a laser
printer in zip code order (for the window envelopes and
bulk mailing), but we need to be able to select one of
say 10 categories only for the Word document.
Simply put. We have a list of names and addresses
(mailing list- snail mail) that we are going to type in
to Outlook as contacts. But we don't plan on sending the
same letter to all those contacts; rather we wish to
categorize them into subgroups to send different
letters. We want the whole process to start by us typing
the form letter in Microsoft Word, and from there we go
to mail merge, and select our contacts by category.
where each form letter in word would be customized from
the contacts list in Outlook (meaning the persons
name/address, and also the Dear so and so - would
automatically come into each separate form letter on a
continuous printing on the printer. The trouble I'm
having is getting Word to permit me to select only
certain "categories" of contacts for that mail merge.
For some reason it won't let me discriminate by
categories, only by things like city, zip code. We do
need to have the bulk letters print out on a laser
printer in zip code order (for the window envelopes and
bulk mailing), but we need to be able to select one of
say 10 categories only for the Word document.
Simply put. We have a list of names and addresses
(mailing list- snail mail) that we are going to type in
to Outlook as contacts. But we don't plan on sending the
same letter to all those contacts; rather we wish to
categorize them into subgroups to send different
letters. We want the whole process to start by us typing
the form letter in Microsoft Word, and from there we go
to mail merge, and select our contacts by category.