chun said:
Can anybody show me how to loop through all tables in a Access dataset?
You actually don't necessarily have to use a dataset, there is a so called
collection of all tables that we normally use.
Dim T As TableDef
For Each T In CurrentDb.TableDefs
Debug.Print T.Name
Next T
object model for Access seems to be harder to understand than that for
why is that?
if you can answer the following question, then you'll be able to understand
your answer. Why is it more difficult to build a garage that it is to build
a dog house? after all, in both cases are simply using hammers and nails.
can you answer this question for me? if you can solve an answer this
question, then you'll have exactly the same answer as to when accessed model
is considerably more difficult than that of Excel.
In a nutshell, it's simply that MS access is a considerably more complex
product. MS access is a database system, and database systems are what we
use to manage information. Your local bank certainly will not keep all their
accouting data in a spreadsheet. However, I can bet you a million dollars
that that bank keeps its business account information in a database.
Database systems by their nature are more complex products than are
Building a garage is a considerably more difficult task then it is to build
a dog house. It should not be one of life's great mystries to you that it's
more difficult to build a garage, then it is a dog house.