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W.G. Ryan MVP Windows - Embedded
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Joe Au said:
I use data adapter to fill up data set. How can I count the no. of record,
which matches a specific condition,
In general you can walk through the datatable either of two ways
foreach(DataRow dro in dataTable.Rows){
for(int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows; i++){
//same thing here
of a data table in a data set? And how
can I loop through the data table?
now, those two methods will get you through the datable generically. You
can use the DataTables.Select method to return an array of rows which match
a specifc criteria.
you could create a dataView, set the rowfilter to that specific filter and
then just walk through the data view If you set the
Rowfilter then the
number of rows in the view will be exactly the number available that match
the criteria. Similarly you can use the .Find method which is a pretty good
method if you want to find on a composite key field for instance.
nonetheless, the DataTable's .Compute method allows you to run an
Aggregate fucntion (COUNT, SUM, AVG) locally on the datatable and its second
parameter is a filter condition so it will do what you want with only one
line of code.