I am trying to make a database of all articles in a welding journal. The
differant tables are each a differant catagory (Stainless Steel, Mig welding,
Welding Safety, etc..). The fields of each table is Date/Page, Title,
Synopsis, KeyWord 1, KeyWord 2. I want to make an article entry form that
will have a combobox that will list all the catagory tables so that you may
select one catagory and the article entry form will show the differant fields
(Date/Page, Title...etc.) as blank text boxes so that you may enter the data
for each welding article for a later key word search to find differant
articles that has the info you are looking for. How may you compile a
combobox that will list all the differant catagories to accoplish the article
differant tables are each a differant catagory (Stainless Steel, Mig welding,
Welding Safety, etc..). The fields of each table is Date/Page, Title,
Synopsis, KeyWord 1, KeyWord 2. I want to make an article entry form that
will have a combobox that will list all the catagory tables so that you may
select one catagory and the article entry form will show the differant fields
(Date/Page, Title...etc.) as blank text boxes so that you may enter the data
for each welding article for a later key word search to find differant
articles that has the info you are looking for. How may you compile a
combobox that will list all the differant catagories to accoplish the article