How to link to a new window, maximise rather than normal.



When I call up a link from a web page, it will start
in a new window, but in normal window, and
I have to maximise it, quite troublesome.

Is there a way to open a new window
automatically in maximize form?

Thanks for any info.

Bruce Hagen

First, *close all other windows*. Now, grab the corners of the window
and drag it to full screen size. Close the window using File>Close, or
File>Exit depending what program you're in. Windows will remember the
last screen size used the next time you open the program.

Bruce Hagen


Thank Bruce, I have tried and it worked !

A speedier version is instead of the grab the corners
of the windows and drag it to full screen size, simply
hit the maximise button.
But the closing part must follow your instruction strictly,
either File -> Close or File->Exit.

Key Bored

I have tried various tricks like resizing windows and closing them a certain
way, but they never seem to consistently work, probably because Windows has
a hard time remembering previous window settings. Try "IE New Window
Maximizer", a great little utility (freeware) that works every time. It is
also handy for other uses, such as maximizing OE windows or closing multiple
IE windows with a hotkey.


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