how to let batch file to run two pgm wihtout waiting for first

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for example, if I want a batch file to open two instances of notepad on
c:\a.txt and c:\b.txt so that I can switch between the two, what option or
command can I execute to let this happen only for this batch file's

notepad c:\a.txt
notepad c:\b.txt
end local

the above will open b.txt only when I close a.txt in this client domain
what commnd or option can I use after setlocal to have both instances
running? said:
for example, if I want a batch file to open two instances of notepad on
c:\a.txt and c:\b.txt so that I can switch between the two, what option or
command can I execute to let this happen only for this batch file's

notepad c:\a.txt
notepad c:\b.txt
end local

the above will open b.txt only when I close a.txt in this client domain
what commnd or option can I use after setlocal to have both instances

try "call notepad ....." instead.
thx but call or without call does not make any difference. I think I need to
set an option of sort but I forgot what it is
the suffix .bat and .cmd behaves exactly the same the OS is xp pro sp2 under
a Domain
Great!, it works

thank you very much, Swifty. much appreciated
where di you get this start info from?