How to later identify the label size in mail merge

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Once a label mail merge is performed and saved, how can a person who later
opens it know what size labels to use? I don't see any indicator to
idenitfy the label size. How would anyone know that it was Avery 5163
labels? Short of placing that information in the header, do you know of any
hidden places that reveal the label size?

I put it in the document Properties, in the Comment field or some other on
the Summary tab.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Okay, the Summary tab is a good idea which I will begin to use. But if that
wasn't done, there's no way to know what size label was used in an existing
label merge? .
My personal take on labels is not to use the Label Wizard but create my own
templates for the few sizes I regularly use. One reason for this is that the
contents of the labels vary so much. For example, an A4/Letter label used
for a shipping box is going to need much larger font than a L7160 label (3 x
7) for a C5 envelope. By using your own templates, you not only get to set
up the labels as you want them, but you can save the new styles with the
templates. By giving the templates sensible names (such as L7160 3x7.dotx),
at any time in the future the user can see what template a document used
thus know what the label size was used. It also seems to be easier for mail
merge too. But that's just my way of working.
Unless you're using a lot of unusual sizes, you can usually just look at a
sheet/page of the labels and see how many there are: 6, 10, 20, 30, 80.
These are all very common Avery labels. There are many variations on them
(there will be different stock numbers for laser and inkjet, white and
colored or clear), but the basic layout will be the same. So you find out
the number of labels and then look in your supplies closet to see what you
have that matches.* <g>

If push comes to shove, you look at the Table Properties to figure out what
size each label is; then you can compare the dimensions against Word's label
definitions (or, probably more efficiently, against Avery's stock list
online or in an Office Depot or Staples catalog).

*FWIW, I did just this a few hours ago. My husband came in and asked if I
could make him some more SASE address labels. I managed to find the label
document, saw that it had 30 on the page, and then rummaged through my
labels to find Avery 5160, which has 30 labels per sheet.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA