Lloyd Dupont
In my (C#) code I have some painting methods using Interop and GDI (win32).
Unfortunately, as you might know, you have to apply some transformation to
your space and fonts if you want to achieve WYSIWIG result with GDI
(as summarized here:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/06/03/TextRendering/default.aspx )
Therefore, if I want to have good WYSIWUG results in my method I need to
know if we are printing or not.
I don't want to reproduce the same blunder as TextRenderer does, I want to
pre-empt it!
Any tips for me to know from the Graphics / HDC that I'm doing a print
Unfortunately, as you might know, you have to apply some transformation to
your space and fonts if you want to achieve WYSIWIG result with GDI
(as summarized here:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/06/03/TextRendering/default.aspx )
Therefore, if I want to have good WYSIWUG results in my method I need to
know if we are printing or not.
I don't want to reproduce the same blunder as TextRenderer does, I want to
pre-empt it!
Any tips for me to know from the Graphics / HDC that I'm doing a print