Csaba Gabor
Aaarggghh, sorry about the messed up title of my earlier post.
In the meantime, I have an answer, but it is not wholly satisfying
so I am modifying my question to ask whether there is any
command line 'replace string'?
The original question was to find out how I can iterate through
a list of semicolon separated values (where the list was coming
from a rows of a database). Here is my batch file solution:
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%G ^
IN ('c:\sqlite.exe c:\Mydb^
"SELECT Id||':'||myList FROM myTable;"')^
DO @FOR %%K IN (%%H) DO @ECHO %%G-^>%%K
But I am getting lucky with that inner FOR loop. Really
I would like to have a (regular expression preferred)
'replace string' in my arsenal.
Thanks for any tips,
Csaba Gabor
In the meantime, I have an answer, but it is not wholly satisfying
so I am modifying my question to ask whether there is any
command line 'replace string'?
The original question was to find out how I can iterate through
a list of semicolon separated values (where the list was coming
from a rows of a database). Here is my batch file solution:
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%G ^
IN ('c:\sqlite.exe c:\Mydb^
"SELECT Id||':'||myList FROM myTable;"')^
DO @FOR %%K IN (%%H) DO @ECHO %%G-^>%%K
But I am getting lucky with that inner FOR loop. Really
I would like to have a (regular expression preferred)
'replace string' in my arsenal.
Thanks for any tips,
Csaba Gabor