I've been gathering info and what follows is a list of what I plan and a few questions : My comments are " just thinking out
oud" - any input on flow / apps you would recommend ?
New PC Config.txt
Hardware = ASUS An8-e mb, AMD3200+ 1gb memory, DVD/CDRW, Nvidia GeForce video, 160gb IDE disk ( yeah the motherboard supports SATA
but I've got plenty of IDE drives and can't justify buying another.)
1. OS'es to be installed Win2000, XP Pro (upgrade) and Win XP64
Problem: need to install 2000 first , but when I then install xp pro (upgrade version) how to have it prompt me for my win98 license
vs overwriting / assuming upgrade from Win2000 ? Will it do so by default ?
If I need to connect to Microsoft to "validate / authorize" each license , do it for each OS as I install last app ??
Then do all the updates ? After all these updates - I'll image the drives. To clean up disk space for all of the "$uninstall ..."
files - can I just go to the system folder and delete them. Then the temp folder. Any other references to them ?
Create 4 partitions - one extra partition for Library. Or use multiple drives ?
Since I will mostly be using 2000 or XP (still printer driver issues with xp64) AND I have XP64 already built - can I build new C
drive with 2000 and XP and then use the current xp64 drive (all sw on it was installed as C: ) when I need it ? How to modify MBR to
allow that ? Use a Highpoint/ Promise RAID card to determine boot drive ?
2. Updates for IE, OS etc going to be very tedious - download in advance - to CD , HDD ? How ? Otherwise same thing over and over -
reboot do it again etc. *** 12/4 - Article in "MaximumPc" on building the XP CD -- do that before starting any of this. **
http://developer.amd.com/drivers.aspx for other links for 64 bit
3. Applications ( to be installed on EACH partition (for each OS):
Ad-aware/ spybots
Adobe Reader and (?) Full version
ASUS diag sw
Belarc Advisor (download)
MS Money
Logitech optical mouse
Creative "AudioPCI" sound card sw
What audio is onboard ?
Ms Office ( 2000 on Win2000 and 2003 on others)
Export address book from current pc.
- be sure to choose / install Picture Mgr for 2003
Hauppauge WinTV ( or whatever sw for its TV card )
Network cards (Linksys LNE100 and built in - check it first)
Need onboard video Nvidia drivers
( on D:\MICROSOFT\X64\Nvidia now )
Nero 7
Musicmatch (storebought version)
Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird ( OE for newsgroups - much easier to view " just my unread" replies)
PowerDVD (each DVD has it's own - go with the HP CD/DVD RW)
QuickTime (old version - without itunes)
Realplayer ( still needed ?? )
Scanner, printers, camera software
Symantec NAV, or systemworks
ZoneLabs firewall