How to Install "Hibernate" function.




I had just re-format my note book with Windows XP Home edition. But from the
power option at "Control Panel/Performace and Maintenance". I can't see the
"Hibernate" tab. How can i get the function???????


Sixhole said:

I had just re-format my note book with Windows XP Home
edition. But from the
power option at "Control Panel/Performace and Maintenance". I
can't see the
"Hibernate" tab. How can i get the function???????

After reinstalling XP, it's not unusual that you would have to
install the latest drivers for a number of the hardware devices
present on your laptop. Your situation points to the video
adapter as the source of this problem.

Right click My Computer and select Manage from the menu. Look
under Device Manager for any items with red X's and yellow
exclamation points.

The correct drivers for your laptop should be available on the
manufacturer's web site. Check in the Support section for any
mention of a download area. If you can't find it, post back
with the make and model number of your laptop.

Good luck



I don't know a whole lot and am new to this site. I have to say I'm learning
a lot. I do know how to perform this action:

Open Control Panel -- Open Folder Options -- On Hibernate tab, click the box
that enables the function

It works for me; I hope it works for you. Pigpen

Donald L McDaniel

I don't know a whole lot and am new to this site. I have to say I'm learning
a lot. I do know how to perform this action:

Open Control Panel -- Open Folder Options -- On Hibernate tab, click the box
that enables the function

It works for me; I hope it works for you. Pigpen

Pigpen, the original poster plainly stated that he tried that, and the
"Hibernate" tab was missing (or greyed out):
The answer to this one is fairly simple, however: the Hibernate tab
will not appear if the motherboard does not support ACPI. To check,
open Device Manager, and expand "Computer" by clicking on the little
plus sign to its left. If it supports ACPI, it will be listed there
as "ACPI x86-based PC". If it's not there, it is either turned off in
the BIOS or the motherboard does not support it.

I've not seen many laptops which would not support the Hibernate
function, so his answer may lay elsewhere.

Donald L.McDaniel
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