Hepp-Kondas said:
I am trying to develop my first website using FrontPage 2003. I
would like to have one cell of a table that shows a group ofimages,
one after the other, in a continuousloop, with about 2 seconds for
each photo. The photo/image group will include ten logos or image of
our top ten donors. What is this called? Is this possible in
FrontPage? Do I need to buy a template? If so, which would you
Thanks so much in advance!
I recntly posted as script that does this.
Here is my copy - well, it is the code as installed by the person I posted
it for
Just alter theimagesin var slideimages1=new Array(.............)
<script type="text/javascript" >
//specify interval between slide (in milli seconds)
var slidespeed=3000
var slideimages1=new
var imageholder1=new Array()
for (i=0;i<slideimages1.length;i++)
{ imageholder1
=new Image()
imageholder1.src=slideimages1 }
var whichimage1=0
function slideit()
if (!document.images) return
if (document.all)
{ document.images.slide1.filters[0].apply() }
if (document.all)
{ document.images.slide1.filters[0].play() }
whichimage1=(whichimage1<slideimages1.length-1)? whichimage1+1 : 0
var blenddelay1=(document.all) ?
document.images.slide1.filters[0].duration*1000 : 0
<body onload="slideit()">
<img src="" name="slide1" border=0 style="filter:blendTrans(duration=3)" >
Trevor L.
[ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
MVPS Website:http://trevorl.mvps.org/