How to insert page breaks into a WordPad RTF document

  • Thread starter Thread starter DevNull
  • Start date Start date


I like the light footprint and speed of WordPad, so sometimes I use it
instead of Word.

I haven't seen another post showing how to insert page breaks, so
here's how:

First, the document must be saved in Rich Text Format, which seems to
be the default for WordPad but is also an option when using File >
Save As to save the file.

Close the document, and open it using Notepad. This will display all
of the RTF tags which WordPad automatically hides.

Scroll down in the document to where you want to place the page break,
then enter:
This is the RTF tag for a page break.

Close and save the document from Notepad.

Open the document in WordPad, and using File > Print Preview, notice
that there is now a page break where you inserted \page.
DevNull said:
I like the light footprint and speed of WordPad, so sometimes I use it
instead of Word.

I haven't seen another post showing how to insert page breaks, so
here's how:

First, the document must be saved in Rich Text Format, which seems
to be the default for WordPad but is also an option when using
File > Save As to save the file.

Hi "DevNull",

In the SaveAs dialog, at the bottom, there is a "Save in this format by
default" check box, so you can choose one of the TXT formats and set it as
the default if you like.

Close the document, and open it using Notepad. This will display all
of the RTF tags which WordPad automatically hides.

Scroll down in the document to where you want to place the page break,
then enter:
This is the RTF tag for a page break.

Close and save the document from Notepad.

Open the document in WordPad, and using File > Print Preview, notice
that there is now a page break where you inserted \page.

After you do that once, and re-open it in WordPad, locate and select (double
click) the blank line where that page break is positioned, and ctrl+C copy
it to clipboard, and then you can ctrl+V paste that formatted page break
anywhere in WordPad without the hassle of further editing in NotePad. If you
have ClipBook, you can paste that formatted page break from clipboard to
ClipBook so you can copy it from there whenever you need it. There are other
MS-Word formatting options that you can copy from Word and paste into
WordPad, and into ClipBook for re-use.

Oh Wow! On a whim, I just created a 2x2 Table in Word, copied and pasted it
into Wordpad, added some content, and it saved and reloaded correctly. Back
in Word, added yellow background color in one cell, green-highlighted a
word, copied to WordPad, and yes, that works too! So, although WordPad does
not have any direct provision to create such features, it is capable of
displaying and saving documents with pasted RTF formatting.

If you don't have clipbook, you could create a Word document with all sorts
of special formatting, and SaveAs FormatPlus.RTF, and then open it in a
separate instance of WordPad, and copy and paste from there into WordPad.

(Are the wheels in your brain turning faster now? :)

HTH. --Richard