How to insert a row into a table

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charles Law
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Charles Law

I have a database with a single table. This table has many rows already and
I want to add a new row.

I open a connection, and then what? There seems to be so many ways to access
the data in ADO.NET that I am unsure which to choose.

I wish to insert a new row into the table, without first having to read data
from the table, in a way much like this:

Open database
Get handle to table
Create new row in memory
Put data into column 1 in new row (dr("Column1") = "Something")
Put data into column 2 in new row (dr("Column2") = "Something else")
Put data into column N in new row
Insert row into table
Close database

Could someone please give me some pointers?

What happens if the table has a primary key, which is an auto-incrementing
ID? How do I retrieve the ID of the new row?


There are a 'lot' of ways to do this. If you are using a Databound grid for
instance, and you hit the down arrow, it'll add a new row for you.

If you are using databound text boxes, <google for
BindingManager/BindingContext> you can use .Addnew.

If you want to create a datatable from scratch and add's an
example of creating a DataSet programatically...

You can define a PrimaryKey on your DataTable and DataColumns allow you to
indicate Autoincrement and Autoincrement Seed and Value.

There's a lot to it, so it's kind of hard giving a general
really depends on how you want to add the column, via a control or
programatically. If you check out MSDN though, there are tons of examples.
Also, if you are getting into ADO.NET, I highly recommend ADO.NET core
Reference by David Sceppa or Bill Vaughn's Best practices book

They will pay for themselves in the first day of having either of them.

public static DataSet CreateDataSet()


DataSet ds;

System.Data.DataTable dt;

ds = new DataSet();

dt = new DataTable();

DataColumn LastName;

DataColumn FirstName;

DataColumn WT;

DataColumn Desc;

DataColumn DictationDate;

DataColumn DictationTime;

DataColumn JobStatus;

DataColumn NewPatient;

DataColumn SSN;

DataColumn TitleLocation;

DataColumn PhysicianType;

DataColumn ConsultRequest;

DataColumn Addendum;

LastName = new DataColumn("LastName");

FirstName = new DataColumn("FirstName");

WT =new DataColumn("WT");

Desc = new DataColumn("Desc");

DictationDate = new DataColumn("DictationDate");

DictationTime = new DataColumn("DictationTime");

JobStatus = new DataColumn("JobStatus");

NewPatient = new DataColumn("NewPatient");

SSN = new DataColumn("SSN");

TitleLocation = new DataColumn("TitleLocation");

PhysicianType = new DataColumn("PhysicianType");

ConsultRequest = new DataColumn("ConsultRequest");

Addendum = new DataColumn("Addendum");















return ds;



Hi William

Thanks for the very quick response.

I want to do the whole thing in code; no data grid or binding. The table
already exists. I am not looking to create new columns, only populate
existing columns. I am just looking for the simplest way to do all this, a
bit like the old ADO way, but in ADO.NET.

Do I have to use a dataset, or can I do it all through a DataTable object?


As stated by William there are many ways to skin this cat. If all you want
is to insert a record into the server table, you could feasably do it with a
SQL insert statement through the command object.

Hope this helps

Chris Taylor
Hi Chris

It might be better if I show you the code I have so far, and you may be able
to spot what has gone wrong:

m_OLEDBDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
m_OLEDBDataAdapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM MyTable",
tbl = New DataTable
dr = tbl.NewRow
dr("Column1") = "Stuff"
bldr = New OleDbCommandBuilder(m_OLEDBDataAdapter)
m_OLEDBDataAdapter.InsertCommand = bldr.GetInsertCommand()
m_OLEDBDataAdapter.Update(tbl) ' THIS LINE GIVES EXCEPTION "Syntax error

[assume all variables are declared as their usage implies]

The insert command generated contains values of ?, ?, ? ... which I think
must be the problem, but I don't know why.

As a general point, my solution seems very long winded for what I am trying
to do. Is there an easier way? I see there is a thing called OleDbCommand.
Would this help?

Also, it seems unneccessary to have to fill the data table before I can add
rows. Can this step be skipped? And why do I need to do


when I have already done

dr = tbl.NewRow

It seems like I am doing the same thing twice.

Thanks again for any help.

Hi Michael

Thanks for that.
cmdInsert.CommandText = "Insert Into myTable "
+ "(Col1, Col2, Col3) Values (?, ?, ?)";

This is actually what I have been trying to avoid, hence using the
CommandBuilder. I have never been keen on constructing the INSERT statement
by hand, since the ADO days and before. This is partly because I end up
having to effectively do it twice: once for the INSERT and once for the
UPDATE commands (sql syntax issue), but also because it seems more
long-winded, and more difficult to maintain.

I am a bit concerned though that the command builder is creating an insert
command with a syntax error. I had assumed that it was a coding error on my
part. Assuming, for the moment, that it is an error on my part, can you see
anything that could be wrong with the code that I am using? I think I would
like to understand why this approach does not work.

I like the idea of using a command object directly from the connection, but
I would prefer to use the command builder if I can.

Thanks again.


Michael Lang said:
Hi Chris

It might be better if I show you the code I have so far, and you may
be able to spot what has gone wrong:

m_OLEDBDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter
m_OLEDBDataAdapter.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM
MyTable", m_OLEDBCon)
tbl = New DataTable
dr = tbl.NewRow
dr("Column1") = "Stuff"
bldr = New OleDbCommandBuilder(m_OLEDBDataAdapter)
m_OLEDBDataAdapter.InsertCommand = bldr.GetInsertCommand()
m_OLEDBDataAdapter.Update(tbl) ' THIS LINE GIVES EXCEPTION "Syntax
error in INSERT INTO"

[assume all variables are declared as their usage implies]

The insert command generated contains values of ?, ?, ? ... which I
think must be the problem, but I don't know why.

As a general point, my solution seems very long winded for what I am
trying to do. Is there an easier way? I see there is a thing called
OleDbCommand. Would this help?

Also, it seems unneccessary to have to fill the data table before I
can add rows. Can this step be skipped? And why do I need to do


when I have already done

dr = tbl.NewRow

It seems like I am doing the same thing twice.

Thanks again for any help.


tbl.NewRow just creates a DataRow object with the correct schema. It
does not actually add it to the table. There are uses for this that
aren't worth going into right now.

The commandBuilder may be your problem. The problem is that the
commandbuilder is creating a command with text that has a syntax error.
I recommend you manually create the InsertCommand as you did with the

Also as Chris stated you can use a command object directly from the
connection without first filling a DataSet/DataTable.

OleDbConnection m_OLEDBCon = ...
OleDbCommand cmdInsert = new OleDbCommand(m_OLEDBCon);
cmdInsert.CommandText = "Insert Into myTable "
+ "(Col1, Col2, Col3) Values (?, ?, ?)";
// add 3 OleDbParameter to cmdInsert for Col1, Col2, and Col3 in the
// same order as named in the commandtext,
// and set Value of each parameter
m_OLEDBCon.Open(); //open at last moment possible

To get the auto-incrementing value you must execute another command. The
commandText for the command depends on which database engine you are
using. I know how to do this for SQL and access.

Just append an identity query to the command text of the insert command.
Although, for SQL you should probably be using the Sql provider.

SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand(m_SQLCon);
cmdInsert.CommandText = "Insert Into myTable "
+ "(Col2, Col3) Values (@Col2, @Col3); "
+ "set @Col1 = SCOPE_IDENTITY()";
// assumes Col1 is the PK
// add 3 SqlParameter objects, order does not matter since
// they are named. Direction of the PK col should be
// set to Output instead of default Input.
//database assigned pk is now in the pk parameter
object newPk = sqlparPK.Value; //convert to int or whatever type is.

Access does not support multi step sql statements, and also does not
support the SCOPE_IDENTITY() method. The OleDb provider does support

OleDbConnection m_OLEDBCon = ...
OleDbCommand cmdInsert = new OleDbCommand(m_OLEDBCon);
cmdInsert.CommandText = "Insert Into myTable "
+ "(Col2, Col3) Values (?, ?)";
// add 2 OleDbParameter to cmdInsert for Col2, and Col3 in the
// same order as named in the commandtext,
// and set Value of each parameter

OleDbCommand cmdIdentity = new OleDbCommand(m_OLEDBCon);
cmdIdentity.CommandText = "Select @@Identity"

m_OLEDBCon.Open(); //open at last moment possible
int newIden = (int)cmdIdentity.ExecuteScalar();

I hope this helps. When you get a chance take a look at "generic
ADO.NET" in my signature, and the latest code template on the generator
site. You may find this helpful as well?

Michael Lang, MCSD
See my .NET open source projects (code generator) ("generic" ADO.NET)
This is what I get, immediately before the update:

"INSERT INTO MyTable( MyColumn1 , MyColumn2 , MyColumn3 ) VALUES ( ? ,
? , ? )"

Any thoughts?


If this is EXACTLY the text the command builder generated, then I don't see
where the problem is?
Hi Michael

The database/engine/whatever certainly seems to have a problem.

I kind of thought that the question marks should have been replaced with
real data by this stage. Are you saying that this is not the case?

Hi Michael

The database/engine/whatever certainly seems to have a problem.

I kind of thought that the question marks should have been replaced with
real data by this stage. Are you saying that this is not the case?


The Command.CommandText property will never change it's string value to
contain the values. That is what the parameter objects on the command are
for. However, The Command.ExecuteNonQuery() method probably fills in the
'?'s with the values before passing the request to the data engine. But I
have no way of knowing that since I don't have the source code.

Michael Lang, MCSD
See my .NET open source projects (simple generic code generator) (database app code generator) ("generic" ADO.NET)
Hi Michael

I have cut my test prog down to an absolute minimum - empty table with just
one [text] column - and have got it working. As you say, the question marks
remain, even up to the last minute, so that was a red herring.

I am now going to build it back up to where I was before and see if still

Thanks for your help.

I can now report my findings:

One of the columns in my database was called "Password".

Since when did Password become a banned word? Was I away that day? The
database happily lets me use this name for a column. It would have been nice
to have got a better error message than "Syntax error in INSERT INTO". I
can't even get at the real SQL that is used so that I can paste it into TOAD
and get a better error message. AARGH!

I have wasted days on this and I am not best pleased. I think I need a lie


Charles Law said:
Hi Michael

I have cut my test prog down to an absolute minimum - empty table with just
one [text] column - and have got it working. As you say, the question marks
remain, even up to the last minute, so that was a red herring.

I am now going to build it back up to where I was before and see if still

Thanks for your help.


Michael Lang said:
The Command.CommandText property will never change it's string value to
contain the values. That is what the parameter objects on the command are
for. However, The Command.ExecuteNonQuery() method probably fills in the
'?'s with the values before passing the request to the data engine. But I
have no way of knowing that since I don't have the source code.

Michael Lang, MCSD
See my .NET open source projects (simple generic code generator) (database app code generator) ("generic" ADO.NET)
Michael Lang said:
I can now report my findings:

One of the columns in my database was called "Password".

Since when did Password become a banned word? Was I away that day? The
database happily lets me use this name for a column. It would have
been nice to have got a better error message than "Syntax error in
INSERT INTO". I can't even get at the real SQL that is used so that I
can paste it into TOAD and get a better error message. AARGH!

I have wasted days on this and I am not best pleased. I think I need a
lie down.


There are many reserved words you shouldn't use as a field name. If you
need to use a reserved word as a field name then just wrap that field name
with brackets in your sql statement.

"INSERT INTO MyTable([ReservedWord], MyColumn2, MyColumn3) "
+ "VALUES (?,?,?)"

Michael Lang, MCSD
See my .NET open source projects (simple code generator) (database app code generator) ("generic" ADO.NET)
Darn. Sorry about that last blank post. My mouse has got it into its head to
double-click all on its own, and Send is in the same place as Reply Group,
if you see what I mean.

Anyway, I suppose my frustration is that I didn't realise that Password had
become a reserved word. It's not in Access 2000, and it all worked
swimmingly in ADO. It's only now that things seem to be going wrong. Is
there a place that I can turn to for ADO.NET reserved words? I usually make
a point of _not_ using them, so long as I know which ones to avoid.



Michael Lang said:
I can now report my findings:

One of the columns in my database was called "Password".

Since when did Password become a banned word? Was I away that day? The
database happily lets me use this name for a column. It would have
been nice to have got a better error message than "Syntax error in
INSERT INTO". I can't even get at the real SQL that is used so that I
can paste it into TOAD and get a better error message. AARGH!

I have wasted days on this and I am not best pleased. I think I need a
lie down.


There are many reserved words you shouldn't use as a field name. If you
need to use a reserved word as a field name then just wrap that field name
with brackets in your sql statement.

"INSERT INTO MyTable([ReservedWord], MyColumn2, MyColumn3) "
+ "VALUES (?,?,?)"

Michael Lang, MCSD
See my .NET open source projects (simple code generator) (database app code generator) ("generic" ADO.NET)
Charles Law said:
Anyway, I suppose my frustration is that I didn't realise that
Password had become a reserved word. It's not in Access 2000, and it
all worked swimmingly in ADO. It's only now that things seem to be
going wrong. Is there a place that I can turn to for ADO.NET reserved
words? I usually make a point of _not_ using them, so long as I know
which ones to avoid.



google? I found the following. However, none of these show "password" as
reserved. Let me know if you can find a better comprehensive list.