How to insert a new record in a middle ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


hi Everybody,

I have started a new database and I am inputing data in to the table via
datasheet view. I need to instert a new record but I need to insert it in a
middle not at the end. Is it possible with Access ?

Also what if I need to change the position of an already existing row. I was
hoping I could just simply drag it the same way I can do with columns but it
doesn't seem to work.

hi Everybody,

I have started a new database and I am inputing data in to the table via
datasheet view. I need to instert a new record but I need to insert it in a
middle not at the end. Is it possible with Access ?

Also what if I need to change the position of an already existing row. I was
hoping I could just simply drag it the same way I can do with columns but it
doesn't seem to work.


A table HAS NO ORDER. It's an unordered "heap" of data. What you're
asking is sort of like insisting on the potatoes in a sack of potatoes
being in a particular order.

If you want to see records in a specific order, you must - no option!
- have a field or fields in the Table which define that order, and use
a Query sorting the records in that order. You can base a Form on this
query and it will still be updateable.

Don't use table datasheets for anything other than debugging. They are
not designed for, nor are they suitable for, data entry or display.
Use Forms (usually based on a query) instead.

John W. Vinson[MVP]
I have the same question. have table in datasheet view. I copy records to get extra record in the middle that i can edit later. i do that manually. can this be than automatically. i don't know coding.