I have a macro which imports data to 2 tables (a "Data" table and a
"Payments" table) using the TransferSpreadsheet function twice, with the
following InputBox statement for the File name. The user is required to
enter the date (eg. 06052009) twice - it is the same for each entry.
="Q:\Data_files\" & "Planning_" & InputBox("Enter file name") & "_data.xls"
="Q:\Data_files\" & "Planning_" & InputBox("Enter file name") & "_payment.xls"
Is there some way I can change the macro so that the user only has to enter
the file name (date) once, to work for both actions.
"Payments" table) using the TransferSpreadsheet function twice, with the
following InputBox statement for the File name. The user is required to
enter the date (eg. 06052009) twice - it is the same for each entry.
="Q:\Data_files\" & "Planning_" & InputBox("Enter file name") & "_data.xls"
="Q:\Data_files\" & "Planning_" & InputBox("Enter file name") & "_payment.xls"
Is there some way I can change the macro so that the user only has to enter
the file name (date) once, to work for both actions.