how to I make a sum of a column on a report



I have a report made that displays order information by customer. I have
created a sum column on the far right that gives the extended price per
product (quantity*price). I have been trying to then sum up that column to
display a total at the bottom of the page, giving a sum of all the individual
sums. Does anyone know the formula for doing something like that? Thanks
for your help!


Yes, I have a field (quantity*price) already, what I want to do is sum up all
the values in that (quantity*price) field in the report footer for a total.
Any idea how to do that?

Brian Bastl

In the report's detail section, add an unbound text control and set its
Name: txtExtPrice
Visible = False
Control Source: =[YourQty*PriceControl]
Running Sum: "Over All"

Then in an unbound text control in the footer, set its control source:


then in the footer, you canr

Joseph Meehan

nikki said:
Yes, I have a field (quantity*price) already, what I want to do is
sum up all the values in that (quantity*price) field in the report
footer for a total. Any idea how to do that?

create a hidden control in the body of the report [quanity]*[price] and
then in the footer a control


John Vinson

I have a report made that displays order information by customer. I have
created a sum column on the far right that gives the extended price per
product (quantity*price). I have been trying to then sum up that column to
display a total at the bottom of the page, giving a sum of all the individual
sums. Does anyone know the formula for doing something like that? Thanks
for your help!

It's better in this case to calculate the extended price as a
calculated field in the Query upon which the form is based.

You can't (easily) do the sum in a Page Footer but you can make the
Report Footer visible; or if you want a sum for each customer, use the
Report's Sorting and Grouping dialog to group by customer, and make
the Section footer visible. On either the section footer or the form
footer (or both, if you want a grand total) you can put a textbox


in the footer area.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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