==>Left([Measurements],InStr([Measurements],"X")-2) & "mm X " & Mid
([Measurements],InStr([Measurements],"X")+2) & "mm")
The above expression is used to add "mm" when user type a measurement from a
form and is preview in report
22 X 33(form) ==> 22mm X 33mm(report)
Unfortunately not all products is in measurement, some of them are
calculated in unit such as one door lock, two pieces of glasses,....
If i did not type any value or in wrong format in the field (#error) will
shown on the report
Can code solve this problem? I can accept any solution either to my form or
my report or in code.................as long as it solve the problem
Any solutions?
Thanks in advance
([Measurements],InStr([Measurements],"X")+2) & "mm")
The above expression is used to add "mm" when user type a measurement from a
form and is preview in report
22 X 33(form) ==> 22mm X 33mm(report)
Unfortunately not all products is in measurement, some of them are
calculated in unit such as one door lock, two pieces of glasses,....
If i did not type any value or in wrong format in the field (#error) will
shown on the report
Can code solve this problem? I can accept any solution either to my form or
my report or in code.................as long as it solve the problem
Any solutions?
Thanks in advance