Hello Esteemed Developers
I am trying to develop basic TCP/IP Server-Client programs at the Visual C++ .NET, using Windows Forms Application(.NET) template. I coded the following code snippets
public __gc class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::For
#define PORT 2222
#define IP_Addr "
SOCKET ServerSocket, ClientSocket
sockaddr_in ServerSockAddrIn, ClientSockAddrIn
WORD wVersionRequested
int retBindVal, retListenVal, retSendVal, retRecvVal, ClientSockAddrInLen
public: void Start_Server()
void Form1::Start_Server(
retBindVal = bind(ServerSocket,(sockaddr*) &ServerSockAddrIn, sizeof(ServerSockAddrIn)); //Error Msg #
ClientSocket = accept(ServerSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &ClientSockAddrIn, &ClientSockAddrInLen); //Error Msg #
When I build the application it gives me the following error
Error Msg #1: errorC2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'sockaddr_in __gc*' to 'sockaddr*
Error Msg #2: errorC2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'sockaddr_in __gc*' to 'sockaddr*
I guess that I should type cast unmanaged code to managed code. Please kindly guide me to solve this problem. I downloaded VC.NET Samples from microsoft.com. There are Socket samples in it, but they are not clear for me
I am requesting your kind helps
Thank you very much
I am trying to develop basic TCP/IP Server-Client programs at the Visual C++ .NET, using Windows Forms Application(.NET) template. I coded the following code snippets
public __gc class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::For
#define PORT 2222
#define IP_Addr "
SOCKET ServerSocket, ClientSocket
sockaddr_in ServerSockAddrIn, ClientSockAddrIn
WORD wVersionRequested
int retBindVal, retListenVal, retSendVal, retRecvVal, ClientSockAddrInLen
public: void Start_Server()
void Form1::Start_Server(
retBindVal = bind(ServerSocket,(sockaddr*) &ServerSockAddrIn, sizeof(ServerSockAddrIn)); //Error Msg #
ClientSocket = accept(ServerSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &ClientSockAddrIn, &ClientSockAddrInLen); //Error Msg #
When I build the application it gives me the following error
Error Msg #1: errorC2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'sockaddr_in __gc*' to 'sockaddr*
Error Msg #2: errorC2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'sockaddr_in __gc*' to 'sockaddr*
I guess that I should type cast unmanaged code to managed code. Please kindly guide me to solve this problem. I downloaded VC.NET Samples from microsoft.com. There are Socket samples in it, but they are not clear for me
I am requesting your kind helps
Thank you very much