how to grab and store executed value of url using php

Jun 30, 2005
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Hi all i got a url( that if i paste it in browser address bar it will return for me a value like this:
Note: the url is external url

I want to grab only countryname value using php and store it in variable and later insert it in to mysql db. Could an expert show me how i can store the countryname into variable.
My intention is that when a user visits my php page it writes his country name to mysql db so i want the url to be executed within my php and possibly i be print that value too. i be happy if show me how i can execute the url with in my php code.

if if use java script like this :

<script language="Javascript" src="<A href=""></script>[/B">"></script>

it will print countryname alone for me but i do know if i can use this with in my php and some how set it up equal to
a varible.Thanks
can you not extract this info from your server logs. Surely that can be done with PHP.

Is it not possible for you to just analyse your server stats, using something like awstats, or do you have a specific purpose in mind for recording this data?