I have customised the login on my site, so the person uses their email
address and password to log in, rather than a user name.
At the moment when a user logs in have a line:
Session("UserID") = User.Identity.Name
Which as they log in using their email address gives the UserID the value of
the email address. This works great, until they change their email address.
Then UserID does not equal any email addresses in the system as it is out of
date, and therefore pages come up blank with no data, so they need to log off
and back on again.
The table has a unique primary key that links the tables together (called
memid). It would be best to use this value as they cannot change it.
So either:
1, How can I update the UserID when they change their email address
2, Or is there a way of looking up other information other than the Name,
EG: Dlookup("memid","members","emailaddress=" & user.identity.name)
Dlookup is something I know from VB and it does not seem to be in ASP, but
is there something similar?
Any other suggestions welcome.
I have customised the login on my site, so the person uses their email
address and password to log in, rather than a user name.
At the moment when a user logs in have a line:
Session("UserID") = User.Identity.Name
Which as they log in using their email address gives the UserID the value of
the email address. This works great, until they change their email address.
Then UserID does not equal any email addresses in the system as it is out of
date, and therefore pages come up blank with no data, so they need to log off
and back on again.
The table has a unique primary key that links the tables together (called
memid). It would be best to use this value as they cannot change it.
So either:
1, How can I update the UserID when they change their email address
2, Or is there a way of looking up other information other than the Name,
EG: Dlookup("memid","members","emailaddress=" & user.identity.name)
Dlookup is something I know from VB and it does not seem to be in ASP, but
is there something similar?
Any other suggestions welcome.