This is the snippet of code
Dim myConnString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Packet Size=4096;Data
Source=MyServer;" & _
"Initial Catalog=MyDatabase; " & _
"Persist Security Info=False;" & _
"Workstation ID=MyWS"
Dim SQL As String = "Insert Into Mytable (MyField) " & _
"Values (" & 1 & ")"
'this will create a single record when executed and that record will have a
field MYPK which is an autogenerated primary key.
'it is that key I need to retrieve immediately after the creation of the new
Dim MyConn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
MyConn.ConnectionString = myConnString
Dim Mycommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Mycommand.Connection = MyConn
Mycommand.CommandText = SQL
Dim NewPK As Integer
NewPK = Mycommand.ExecuteScalar
The execute scalar was supposed to return (according to docs) the first
column of the first record of the resultset returned by the query. So I get
0 because I suppose an insert does not return a resultset, So question is,
how do I get the newly created Primary key of the newly created record in
such a case.
Thanks for any help.
Dim myConnString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI;Packet Size=4096;Data
Source=MyServer;" & _
"Initial Catalog=MyDatabase; " & _
"Persist Security Info=False;" & _
"Workstation ID=MyWS"
Dim SQL As String = "Insert Into Mytable (MyField) " & _
"Values (" & 1 & ")"
'this will create a single record when executed and that record will have a
field MYPK which is an autogenerated primary key.
'it is that key I need to retrieve immediately after the creation of the new
Dim MyConn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
MyConn.ConnectionString = myConnString
Dim Mycommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
Mycommand.Connection = MyConn
Mycommand.CommandText = SQL
Dim NewPK As Integer
NewPK = Mycommand.ExecuteScalar
The execute scalar was supposed to return (according to docs) the first
column of the first record of the resultset returned by the query. So I get
0 because I suppose an insert does not return a resultset, So question is,
how do I get the newly created Primary key of the newly created record in
such a case.
Thanks for any help.