Here's the VBA Version:
Public Sub ShowTableDefs()
'Create a variable to hold a reference to the database.
Dim db As DAO.Database
'Create a variable to hold a reference to a database's TableDefs
Dim tds As DAO.TableDefs
'Create a variable to hold a reference to a TableDef in the TableDefs
Dim td As DAO.TableDef
'Set the db variable equal to the current database.
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Set the tds variable equal to the current database's TableDefs
Set tds = db.TableDefs
'Loop through every TableDef in the TableDefs collection.
For Each td In tds
'Alter the following line to put the names wherever
'they are needed.
'Otherwise, this will print out the table names in
'the Immediate Window.
Debug.Print td.Name
Next td
'Clode the database variable.
'NOTE: The TableDef's Collection Variable tds cannot be closed,
' trying causes an error.
'NOTE: The "For-Each" loop deals with the td variable, too, trying
' to close it will cause an error.
Set td = Nothing
Set tds = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
This works in Access 2000 SR-3, Jet 4.0 SP-6, DAO 3.6. I'm *think* it will
work in Access 97, but don't know for sure.
"(e-mail address removed)"