Thndrbll said:
Uninstalled Win Defender. System restore is not making any new checkpoints.
Have no pre-Defender checkpoints to restore to..
I really wish I could help, but all I can do is sympathise.
This is exactly the problem I've been discussing in a number of posts during
the last few days. Hardly anyone, least of all Microsoft, seems concerned
about the ludicrous number of checkpoints that Defender makes, and in your
case we see the outcome. The significant point here is that you now don't
have any pre-Defender checkpoints to restore to - they've all been replaced
by Defender checkpoints.
Will someone from Microsoft PLEASE respond to this issue and offer a fix?
(NOT, please, one that requires us to edit the registry!!!) Or at least tell
us that you're trying to solve it? The silence on this issue is deafening.
In the meantime, the only advice I can offer to anyone reading this is: if
it isn't too late - if you still have some pre-Defender restore points left -
then turn off the real-time protection and just use Defender for manual scans.