How to get started with c#

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason
  • Start date Start date


I need to know what all I need to get started. I have
downladed the .net framework runtme and the SDK. And I
wrote a hello world in c# but I don't understand how to
compile it. Do I need something else?
please email me at (e-mail address removed) as I forget to come
back here and read the threads LOL.
The SDK has a compiler you can use (csc)

You need to set up the environment variables first by running the
SDKVars.BAT file which youll find in the <SDKRoot>\bin directory.

You can compile the file using:

csc helloworld.cs

use csc /? for more help on command line building.

You may also be interested in the SharpDevelop IDE that lets you build forms
in a drag and drop manner without having to pay out for Visual Studio.

Ask on any of C# or framework groups if yo have problems and do yourself a
favour. Don't post your un-obfuscated e-mail address because idiots love to
set their spam robots on people who do.


Bob Powell [MVP]
C#, System.Drawing

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