An example:
Create a workbook with 3 sheets - Sales, Names and Report
Into Names worksheet enter the list of names, with heading in A1
Define the named range Name
On sheet Sales create a table with columns
ActiveRow, RowRank, Name, Date, Sales
When you want, then you can format some range in column C (Name), using
Data.Validation.List (=Name), so you can select names from dropdown.
Define named range Sales
On sheet Report into range A1:A3 enter: "Name:", "Month:", "Year:"
Format cell B1 using Data.Validation.List (=Name)
Format cell B2 using Data.Validation.List
NB! Fill the gap in list above, so all 12 months are included!
Format cell B3 using Data.Validation.List (2003,2004)
Define named range RepName
Define named range RepMonth
NB! Fill the gap in formula above, so all 12 months are included!
Define named range RepYear
On sheet Sales, select any cell in row 2 and create named range Selected
Into A2 enter the formula
Into B2 enter the formula
Copy the range A2:B2 down as much rows as you think you'll need
Hide columns A:B
Enter your sales table, when it didn't exist earlier.
On sheet Report, into some row, p.e. row 5, enter header row, p.e. Nr, Date,
Into cell A6 enter the formula
Into B6
Into C6
Copy range A6:C6 down as much as you think you'll need.
Create a total field for selected sales on passable location.
It's done!