how to get row number from DataTable.Compute method

  • Thread starter Thread starter AboutJAV
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Compute is one of the methods of DataTable class. This method computes an expression on the current rows that pass the filter criteria.

Object DataTable.Compute(string expression , string filter)

Expression - The expression to compute.
Filter - The filter to limit the rows that evaluate in the expression.

This method's return type is System.Object. So, you have to cast it with appropriate data type.

The following operations can be passed through as expression parameter.
Sum -> Sum
Average -> Avg
Minimum -> Min
Maximum -> Max
Count -> Count
Statistical standard deviation ->StDev
Statistical variance -> Var

AboutJA wrote:

how to get row number from DataTable.Compute method

how do you get the row number from the DataTable Compute() method


Previous Posts In This Thread:

how to get row number from DataTable.Compute method
how do you get the row number from the DataTable Compute() method


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